What is the Mayor’s role in this collective effort ?
The mayors of various cities in the regions of the United States play a major role in bringing racial reconciliation and healing to Law Enforcement Officers and the Black community. Mayors across the country have different roles based on their local municipality and the State’s power structure. wautEcabm partnership with city Mayors will be instrumental in helping out map out local strategies, as well as helping us engage with local police officers. We are seeking Mayors to adopt our comprehensive education training workshops for police officers and other related training. We are working with Mayors and Police Chiefs to conduct surveys to determine the type of support that law officers need the most, which will include training and non-training support. wautEcabm Task Managers are working with Mayors and Chief of Police all across the nation to demonstrate to them that we are skilled, supportive, and committed to solving the issues.
The National League of Cities in 2015, created a Learning Collaborative on Health Disparities and this report highlights five things that mayors and city leaders can do to deal with health disparities. The first action involves boldly speaking about race, racism and health. At wautEcabm Inc., we seek to partnerships with mayors who can address these issues courageously through principle centered leadership . Collaborative learning will allow us to learn and grow with these municipalities as we install parameters that will bring racial reconciliation and healing for law enforcement officers and black communities all across America.