wautEcabm, Inc.


wautEcabm, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We are requesting individuals and corporate donors, businesses, non-profit organizations, universities and schools to contribute to the work of bringing racial equality, reconciliation and healing between Law Enforcement Officers and the Black community. Investing in wautEcabm means improving the quality of life for Black boys and men in lower social-economic status communities, which include eradicating health equity disparities, increasing the longevity of life for Black men, and providing adequate training and support for our law enforcement community. It also means bringing healing between law enforcement officers and the Black community. All PayPal donations can be tendered by clicking on the donate button below. Send Zelle donations to info@wautecabm.org. To get started click on the Zelle drop down menu or Click here:

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