What Role Do the Agencies Play?
Law enforcement agencies, including police departments, sheriff departments as well as state police and state troopers can play a unique yet essential role in eliminating crimes against Black men. Basically, any officer that carries a licensed weapon can potentially pose a threat to the life of a black male, which is why our partnership with law enforcement is essential. Qualified immunity is a judicial doctrine that places the power dynamic in favor of police officers, this makes it difficult for Black communities to hold police officers accountable for wrong doing. However, we believe this must change. Our initiative fosters community oriented policing, targets comprehensive education for police officers and all of law enforcement agencies. This can only be achieved with their co-operation, as well as their commitment to racial reconciliation and healing between law enforcement officers and the black community.
Law enforcement agencies must be open to reform and committed to mutual purpose for safety for themselves and the people they’re sworn to protect, this include Black men and their families. The most effective way this can be achieved is through meaningful and cordial relationships between the Black community and Police Officers. The Black community wants to know if a black life in their community is arrested for wrong doing, that they will receive the same respectful and honorable arrest as a white citizen. Black communities all across the nation want what other communities want and have, and that is racial equality- the assurance that Black lives matter, and that the police have their best interest at heart.